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Everything You Need Know About Bandhani Silk Saree

Bandhani Silk Saree


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Among the different types of sarees available in India, the Bandhani silk saree occupies a special place in the heart and soul of every woman across the country. Bandhani Silk saree is also commonly known as Bandhej sarees or Chunri sarees. Being said that, Bandhani silk sarees involve the process of tying small portions of the fabric at regular intervals. As a result, this intricate work that goes into the craftsmanship behind the Banarasi Bandhani saree in silk requires highly talented artisans.

In this article, we will discuss everything that you need to know about the Bandhani silk saree including the maintenance of Banarasi Bandhej sarees.


History of Bandhani

Bandhej is the oldest known technique of tie and dye and was discovered somewhere around 5000 years ago. Thus, the Bandhani saree that you have in your closet has a long-standing history that you are not aware of. Being said that, Bandhani work in India was started by the Khatri community of Gujarat. Moreover, other towns such as Sikar, Jaipur, Udaipur, Bhilwara, Ajmer, and Jamnagar are also well-known centers that produce world-class Bandhani Sarees. It is one of the oldest forms of sarees that haven't just survived over so many centuries but have also grown from strength to strength and has spread its roots in other parts of the country including Varanasi.


Banarasi Bandhej

Banarasi Bandhej is an amalgamation of Banarasi heritage and old age tie and dye technique from the state of Gujarat and Rajasthan. To start with, the cloth used for the Bandhani saree is tied using impermeable thread in different patterns and designs. It is then dyed using beautiful solid colors. When the fabric is dyed, the tied part of the cloth does not absorb the color and remains white or the same color as the cloth. Being said that, once it gets dried up, the cloth is left in the open air to dry further. This beautifully textured fabric is then adorned with gold Zari work similar to something that you will find on a pure silk Banarasi saree. This artistic match of the old age Bandhani saree and Banarasi saree produces an unmatchable Banarasi Bandhej.


Cultural Status of Banarasi Bandhani Sarees

Many people have a sacred touch associated with Banarasi Bandhani sarees in India. For instance, most women around the country believe that wearing a Banarasi Bandhej saree brings good luck. Some women also wear the Banarasi Bandhani silk saree at the time of the birth of newborns in their home.

Being said that, the Banarasi Bandhej saree is also very popular among brides-to-be. Apart from wedding, you can also wear the Banarasi Bandhej saree on occasions of different pujas conducted in your home and other festive ceremonies such Diwali and Dussera. Such is the grandeur of Banarasi Bandhej that it goes along with all the different occasions that one has to celebrate. Thus, ensuring that you look the best version of yourself regardless of the occasion that you are celebrating.


Maintenance of Banarasi Bandhani Silk Saree

Maintenance of Banarasi Bandhani silk saree is not difficult. However, make sure you follow the following tips to achieve the best possible result.

  • Ensure that your Banarasi Bandhani silk saree is dry-cleaned every now and then.
  • Do not use an iron at high temperature that features Bandhej work.
  • Do not put the Banarasi Bandhani silk saree under direct sunlight.

Banarasi Bandhani Silk Sarees Online

If you are looking to buy Banarasi Bandhani silk sarees online for you or your loved ones, then we know exactly where you can find high-quality sarees at the most affordable rates. At Sacred Weaves, you can access a wide range of Banarasi Bandhej sarees. Whether you are buying for your wedding day or to wear it on some other occasion, Sacred Weaves has a great collection of Banarasi Bandhej sarees. Moreover, to make your Bandhani silk sarees online shopping experience much more fruitful, Sacred Weaves provides you with a Video Shopping feature. Therefore, you can get to know your sarees much more effectively, even when you are shopping for them online. Thus, wait no more and visit Sacred Weaves today to get the most elegant and pristine-looking Banarasi Bandhej saree for yourself.

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